Dear #Auntienet,

Am a 17 year old girl doing her grade 11 in Pretoria. Am writing to you because am experiencing some problems on twitter. I keep being followed by people I don’t know and most of these people have questionable accounts. By this I mean that the accounts have tweets with ‘bad’ things. Every time I receive such, I unblock but I want to know if there is a proper way I can avoid being followed by such accounts as am tired of unblocking them and I don’t want to have such accounts on my list.

I really need your help.


Troubled Twitter User

Dear Troubled Twitter User,

Thank you for your email.

First of all, congratulations on being empowered in such a way that you can tell whether an account is legit or not, and also if you should have such an account on your list. The only way for sure you can avoid being followed by accounts you don’t want on your list is by protecting your tweets. Once, this is done, everyone who wants to follow you will have to ask for permission which only you can give after being satisfied that they should be on your list. Other than followers having to request your approval to follow you, your tweets will only be visible to people you have approved and protected tweets will not appear in Twitter search or Google search. To enable this, follow the steps below;

  • Go to Settings
  • In the Security and Privacy section, check the box that says ‘Tweet Privacy’
  • Click the ‘Save changes’ button that appears at the bottom of the page

All the best Troubled Twitter User!
