Media Monitoring Africa initiative
Learn to critically engage with social media
Hashplay – Having fun whilst staying safe online!
Protecting & advancing the rights of children to be safe online is our #1 priority!
The Internet is awesome! It is probably one of the best things about the 21st century. Used responsibly, it can act like a light sabre in the hands of a valiant Jedi – a powerful force for good that can educate, inform, and entertain.
But used carelessly, the Internet can be a dangerous place with lots of villains just waiting to catch their next victim unaware.
Hashplay is a powerful online tool developed by Media Monitoring Africa to help children make smart decisions when they are online.

Here you will find:
A fun online game for all ages to enjoy!
Important resources that empower children, parents and teachers with tips on how they can enjoy all the benefits of the Internet whilst staying safe online.
The internet-savvy Agony Aunt who can help you with accurate and reliable information about all your online safety problems.
Fancy yourself as a bit of a quiz whiz? Then test your general knowledge skills in the exciting Hashplay game – a game that will allow you to separate facts from fiction. Go solo, play in groups or challenge your friends head-to-head. This is edutainment at its best!